
風の時代の旅 Journey in the age of the wind

感動の渦は天に舞い上がり Impressive whirlpool soars into the sky 

裏の避暑席 Back summer seat

ヨット弁当と彼女 Yacht lunch box and her

蛍の頃 When the fireflies dance

椰子の葉音に Brought by the sound of palm leaves

雨後の明暗 Light and dark after the rain

夕凪のラングドック Languedoc in the evening calm

新緑谷戸の美声役者たち Beautiful voice actors of the fresh green valley

青く丸い土俵にて On a blue round ring

岬の老師 Old master of the cape

陽春のスイッチ Sunny spring switch  

行雲流水 Cloud&Stream

鉄瓶独白 Iron kettle soliloquy

馬蹄に身をおいて Put myaself in a horseshoe

苦夢の朝 Morning with a painful dream

掌の平棗 flat natsume in the palm