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12月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

そして氷結古都の解凍 And thawing the freezing old city

Tsurugaokahachimangu Kamakura 

古都も氷結保存? Is the ancient capital kept iced?

Kamakura Ohgigayatsu

朝はレース編みがお上手 Good lace knitting in the morning

Kasaigayatsu Kamakura Kamakura has a good morning. Worshiping the morning sun  from Komyoji on the coast  It is unique here,  when the morning has come,  It is good to taste the ridgelines  of the mountains surrounding the city l ike a shadow picture. It seems like lace knitting where deciduous tree branches were intertwined cleverly. 鎌倉は朝がいい。光明寺からの朝日を海岸で拝むのは ここならではだが、夜が明けてきたころ街を囲む 山々の稜線を 影絵のように味わうのがいい。 落葉樹の枝々が巧妙に織り込んだレース編みのよう。

2017秋 新装鎌倉 2017 Fall Newly Designed Kamakura
