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2月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

谷戸に春 Spring has visited the valley of village

春花サミット2015 in 鎌倉 Spring flowers bloomed all at once in Kamakura

Dankuzura's in planting work, but beside the cherry  also flowering early and cheerful of the day before yesterday Tulips been taken over from the daffodil,  toward the sun more powerfully Now plums are blooming in various places Kamakura. Special worship  of the main hall  and g arden publication of plum  is performed in Kaizoji on Sunday this week.

本日のおすすめは侘助と白梅 Today's recommended Wabisuke and white plum

Camellia wabisuke  'Kochowabisuke' White plum here, shine on blue sky