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5月, 2014の投稿を表示しています

政子様はグリーンカーペットがお好き Green Carpet dedicated Masako sama

There is a grave of Hojo Masako,  heir of the Minamoto Yoritomo here

風邪ひき八幡宮 Cold seems to be prolonged

ひっそり時間 Wake up soon

碧き木々に青龍眠る Flow of the Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon of Kamakura Namerikawa Feng

ノーメイクの美差路 Taste the old

Not been paved and unusual,near Egaratenjin.

梅雨近し Rainy season coming

Many kind of hydrangea bloom  each place in Kamakura.

燃える仕事を!Prayer eternal

There is a divine favor to work up luck Sasukeinarijinja.

雨後の緑葉 Starting after the rain

叉路は四択 four-forked pass

木々悲喜交々 what you've been wondering for a long time?

Tree of Hachimangu colorful look different

至所山稜 Green ridge line

There is a ridge of mountains everywhere Kamakura

バゲット焼き上がりまで15分 Bonjour♪ Kamakura

焼き上がりを待つ間、 道を挟んだ干物屋さんの 鯵か鯖のどっちが バゲットサンドに合うのか 結構悩む。

待侘対称 Waiting for the appearance

Restoring symmetrical temple Yofukuji through a time of 600 years http://www.bukenokoto-kamakura.com/yofuku-ji/cg.html http://hamarepo.com/story.php?page_no=0&story_id=1424

風邪?花粉症? Cold? Hay fever?

Covered Hachimangu recently

市中山路の遠近感 Calculated perspective

The road width is widened gradually To the sea from the side of the mountain side.

朱に交われば Vermilion in the sky

黒鷺白旗源氏池 Black heron and white flags in Genjiike pond

皐月陽宮 Tree leakage positive of Hachimangu

猫小判犬論語 monster cat at beach fes.

吉祥水 Lucky omen fountain

卍 means lucky omen

仲良きことは美しき哉 He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

来たれ!セザンヌ Mont Ste-Victoire?

 Near inamuragasaki

夏の記憶 summer memories

黒い姫の避暑は黒姫高原。 冬は湘南で。 だけど、寒い。

絶叫亀坂 hard to climb for turtle

Kamegayatsuzaka is a loophole  from Kenchoji area to Jufukuji area

米処鎌倉 Highest ricefield? In Kamakura

Ricefield of Kaishunin in Kenchoji

小坪凪波止場 Where are sailors?

躑躅蹂躙 Azalea street

Anyoh-in is famous for azalea, in Japanese " tsutsuji".

朝日の誘い Alleys to paradise

Drifting fragrance of green and flowers around