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4月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

鎌倉ジューシー峠 Another entrance to the Kamakura is the moist mountain pass

Waterfall appears to enter the Kamakura beyond the pass In the old days, spring water to said that warlords have washed the sword There are orchards in the opposite direction to the road to Kamakura Road of orchards open bright, plum, citron, the chestnut grows in every season

市中蒔絵『雨後咲』Cherry bloom in road after rain

Praying that it can also be seen next year

谷戸蒔絵「紅龍」Gold lacquer art by valley named Pink dragon

The Namerikawa which is the Blue Dragon of Kamakura feng shui,  stained pink to collect the scattered cherry blossoms