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そして氷結古都の解凍 And thawing the freezing old city

Tsurugaokahachimangu Kamakura 

古都も氷結保存? Is the ancient capital kept iced?

Kamakura Ohgigayatsu

朝はレース編みがお上手 Good lace knitting in the morning

Kasaigayatsu Kamakura Kamakura has a good morning. Worshiping the morning sun  from Komyoji on the coast  It is unique here,  when the morning has come,  It is good to taste the ridgelines  of the mountains surrounding the city l ike a shadow picture. It seems like lace knitting where deciduous tree branches were intertwined cleverly. 鎌倉は朝がいい。光明寺からの朝日を海岸で拝むのは ここならではだが、夜が明けてきたころ街を囲む 山々の稜線を 影絵のように味わうのがいい。 落葉樹の枝々が巧妙に織り込んだレース編みのよう。

2017秋 新装鎌倉 2017 Fall Newly Designed Kamakura


Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【alone ひとり】

I began to think about the days when you are gone. I am living in everyday landscapes, of course, I do not realize how particularly grateful, and I am spending time with each other. If it were not to be missed .... Spaces are born in the usual scenery, there will never be buried in the coming day. I could not hear a sighing voice called Kuhn. The smell of paws like soy bean disappears. That's where such a day comes. I will reach for the next to stroke, I will try to lower the volume of the TV and ask for signs and I will also have a withdrawal symptom to the disgusting smell. I can imagine that eventually I can not get anything with feeling of loss. When I think so, my days are still still with Betty of 7 years old, but my heart is disturbed every time I look at my face. Each time I close my eyes to Betty, I stroke my head and hug. I think that the power to embrace more than before has become stronger. Does Betty dislike ? Also thinking also, since it became clear that the s

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【Kamakurayama is a neighborhood villa鎌 倉山はご近所別荘 3】

Even Kamakurayama does not walk in a forest trail, it walks in the residential area developed by a businessman. However, it is better to imagine a landscape dotted with houses that are several times as large as the general partition division rather than the houses of so-called residential areas. Walking along the hedges of a huge site incorporating a sloping land that wants the ocean far away. I hardly meet those who walk. In addition to successful people in various fields, there was a movie shooting station in Ofuna city that fell down the mountain, so the actors once settled down. Spring is like a cherry - blossom tunnel in the main street, the trees that grew up in the summer make shade, colored in autumn and walking path in winter in the fallen leaves. Successful people loved those four seasons. L ong-established beverages such as c akes, handmade buckwheat,  roast beef, antique miscellaneous goods imported from the UK, shops selling things arranged with moss balls are scatt

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【Kamakurayama is a neighborhood villa鎌 倉山はご近所別荘 2】

Betty's dog breed is Doberman Pinscher. She is always looking for something without loosening. Sometimes the guardman's constitution is feared by people and treated as a rogue beast, but from here we can only look for serious best friend who is rich in emotion and inherits the character as a dog honestly. When German Doberman gathered various dogs together, the ideal form must have been the form of protecting the owner honestly. Since this seed has been made active as a German army and police dog in each country. When I take a walk with her, she will tell me the smell and consciously check the smell while she is strolling around and will not neglect patrol ,  if the squirrel runs on the tree, she will not forgive and stretch out a long neck and threaten the sky. ベティの犬種はドーベルマン・ピンシャー。決して緩むことなくいつも何かに気を配っている。時にそのガードマン体質が人に恐れられ、凶暴な獣のように扱われるが、飼っているこちらからすると、感情豊かで犬としての性質をバカ正直に継承している真面目な親友にしかおもえない。ドイツのドーベルマンさんがいろんな犬をかけ合わせて作り上げたときに、理想形としたのはそのバカ正直に飼い主を守る姿だったに違いない。この種がで

祝日の金木犀アロマシエスタ A nap wrapped in the scent of osmanthus in the holiday

Kamakura namerigawa river side It is a nice climate to get a good sleep outside. Just if Betty fell down properly ... 外で微睡むにはちょうど良い気候。    ただベティがちゃんと伏せしてくれてればだが…

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【Kamakurayama is a neighborhood villa鎌 倉山はご近所別荘1 】

It was awakened by the light coming in through the gap, opening the curtain, the ocean bordered by the mountain rang was shining under the sun at 9 o'clock. I slept a little bit. Betty who complains that she wants to go out early at the feet gets together and says Cunkun. This 20 foot camping trailer is located in the monthly parking lot of Kamakurayama a few kilometers from the town of Kamakura where I have a home. When I go on a trip, I come here by car and go out, but I come by bicycle on weekends nothing, I will spend it in this and spend my days walking around Kamakurayama with Betty. The trailer has the rest of the ingredients I bought in the previous trip so I can live even if it is trapped for about two days. Electricity is solar panels on the roof and refrigerators can be covered and warm shower can be used with propane gas on board. The interior that used walnuts imitating the interior of the yacht in various places is classic, but it is a calm space. A sofa like t

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【Traveling car moving living room 旅の車 は移動リビング 2】

Traveling car moving living room 2 This German large one box car has a power of 3.7 l and it is easy to drive at high speed. Drive along the street to stick. If you allow the same space for those who run the road, it is more comfortable to move in a larger car interior space. I feel that the sofa in the living room moves. So I removed all the back seat. Helicopter's cot is snug in the vacant long space. On a good bed of sleep, we take a low rebound seat and wrap it with a sheet of toweling. A comfortable sleeping section is completed with a light down comforter. A thick and soft rag mat on the floor. I brought my favorite armchair and cushion there. I set the shoes as a rule to take off in a step that was one step lower and made it into a living room. A shade is attached to the left and right windows with a suction cup and the driver's side is partitioned with a goblin cloth, a small bedroom is completed. If you hang a battery-powered lantern on the ceiling, the ligh

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【Traveling car moving living room 旅の車 は移動リビング 1 】

Traveling car moving living room 1 For a while since the sunset I was drinking whiskey while watching the ridgelines of the trees under the aunning attached to the roof rail, but the usual limiter worked and got the bottle. While I am outside, I see the contours of the forest and the night sky, poking a bonfire and becoming zero like a zazen, I guess these delusions. When I feel cold, I return to the car, but the night after that is long. In the place where radio waves are connected, it connects to the world on the tablet's screen, and in a place where it does not place, it writes unprecedented sentences to face to the keyboard. Melt the powder coffee with an orange liqueur, pour the milk of the portable refrigerator in the car and stir until bubbles stand. A handy liquid that may be called a fruity and mild cocktail with bitter. Continue striking the keyboard until it gets sleepy while licking it with this. Unlike handwritten letters, characters with no personality ap

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【Prologue はじめに】

A photographer who kept taking pictures of wild animals living in Alaska. late. Michio Hoshino said, "It is important to imagine that the hordes of the moose are moving greatly on the back of the earth, even now. I did not see the spectacle that the older big whale jumps at the ocean beneath the desolate beach with a low eye jump and a large droplet splashes over a wide area and I do not see the PC on the desk of the back earth now . A belated dog daughter Betty lies full of feet. The baby who has been living together soon after she was born is a different creature, but she is meeting herself in the same neighborhood on the same earth. Although there is no exchange with words, conversely the form of desire is straight and easy to understand. Push my hands with her nose when she want me to rub the soft meat under her ear. She will screw the nose into her nose to unravel even when I hold hands. Although she was an alien species but she was born in Japan and brought to Kamakura,

色彩の街、やがて豊穣の雨音が祭囃子に City of color, eventually rich sound of rain replaces the festival music

Kamakura Although Kamakura is in the middle of an example festival,  unfortunately it rains from the evening. Some people mourn, others feel that it is rain of grace. Just a festival welcomes everyone! 鎌倉は例大祭の最中だが、あいにく夕方から雨。 嘆く人もいれば、恵みの雨と感じる人も。 ただ祭りだけはみんな歓迎!

湖畔のベティはん Betty shake on the lake

Yamanakako lake Yamanashi I was troubled by the approach of a typhoon, but I'm glad I headed.  Betty ran all the favorite under the cool blue sky and slept  in the car. 台風に接近で悩んだが、向かってよかった。 ベティは涼しい青空の下で好き放題走って車の中で爆睡。

樹々に補水 夏のお手入れ Water reclamation to the trees and summer care

Kamakura Soon the water supply from the earth is about to stop, the sky scatters the water. There are many ways of seeing even in the same water, four waters of aqueduct. Rain of grace, flood damage, I wish for moderation. そろそろ大地からの水供給が途絶えそうな頃、空が水を撒く。一水四見、同じ水でもいろいろな見方がある。恵みの雨、洪水被害、ほどほどを願う。

摂氏40度からの抜け道 A way out of 40 degrees Celsius

Namerigawa Kamakura

葉山は小鳥の合唱 The mountain of Hayama is bustling with the chorus of the birds

Hayama shonankokusaimura

鎌倉は蝉時雨 Kamakura is wrapped in a large chorus of cicadas


宮も街も七夕色仕様 Hachimangu shrine and the city Tanabata color specification


夢は夜、蓮は朝開く Dreams come at night, Lotus flowers appear in the morning

Tsuruokahachimangu-shrine Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachimangu shrine is decorating Tanabata 鶴岡八幡宮は七夕の飾り付けが進行中 Lotus flowers bloom early in the morning  and close Tsubomi around 9 o'clock, On the fourth day, scatter petals in the morning, Finish this cycle. 蓮の花は早朝に咲いて9時頃にはツボミを閉じ、 4日目には昼前に花びらを散らし、 このサイクルを終える。

初夏は水墨画の達人? A splendid ink painting produced by early summer sunlight

Kamakura I was glad I was flattening from morning till Friday! The early summer still not powerful sunshine drawn I was able to see delicate ink paintings. Inscription "Mizutazuki " ( "Waterless Month Interval") 朝から金曜の疲れでうつむいていて良かった! 初夏のまだ力強くない日差しが描いた 繊細な水墨画を見ることができました。 銘「水無月狭間」

レオナルド×ミケランジェロ展 Leonardo da Vinci e Michelangelo exhibition

Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum,Tokyo http://mimt.jp/lemi/eng/

ソール・ライター展 Saul Leiter exhibition

Bunkamura Shibuya Tokyo Until June 25

頼朝視点 Yoritomo viewpoint

DanKzura Kamakura A view of Hachimangu Shrine from the second Torii gate 二の鳥居から八幡宮を見た景色 A view of the second torii from Hachimangu Shrine 八幡宮から二の鳥居を見た景色 Since the width of the road is widened from Hachimangu Shrine  towards the second Torii gate, The perspective is deceived to the far ahead and the road looks parallel. From the Hachimangu shrine who has Yoritomo, I can see it far, When going to visit the shrine will make you feel the long way to approach. It also aims to drive enemy troops attacking into a narrow place. 八幡宮から二の鳥居に向かって道幅を広くしているので、 ずっと先まで遠近感が誤魔化され、道が平行に見える。 頼朝のいる八幡宮側からはずっと見渡すことができ、 参拝に向かう際は参道を長く感じさせられる。 攻めてくる敵軍を狭い場所に追い込めるという狙いも。

くるぶしくらいな日差し The sun that makes me want to soak up the ankle

Yuigahama Kamakura A day when I want to enter the ocean for a moment. ちょっとだけ海に入ってみたい気になる日