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2月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

行雲流水 Cloud&Stream

Kamakura                          蘇軾は雲や水のように自然に任せて文章を書けと言ったが、 私のようにこだわりのないことをたらたら書いているのは、 デジタルだと紙のムダがないことをいいことに 思ったことをメモしている行為に過ぎないので、 書道の練習のように書き溜めたものは焚付にしかならないが 私の場合PC上の文章なので焚付にもならない。 蘇軾はそんなことでもいいと言ってくれていたらいいのだが…。 現代においてはそういった執筆流儀としてではなく執筆行程に雲水が存在する。 書いたものはstream、水のように流れ去り、 かと思えばその文章はすべてどこかのストレージにcloud, 雲のように集積されていく。 私の焚付文章もブログサービスのクラウドストレージに半永久的に保管される。 すると何が起きるか? あまりに気軽に書きまくれるため、一般的に思考、推敲が疎かになっていく。 片や貴重な紙に誤字稚拙ないよう考え抜いて書き残した 珠のような研磨文章はこの世から減っていく。 真理を求めてさまよう僧侶も雲水と呼ぶ。 だとすれば生きる皆が雲水なのかもしれない。 Su Shi told us to leave it to nature like clouds and water to write sentences, I'm writing something that I'm not particular about there is no waste of paper when it is digital. It's just an act of writing down what I thought So to speak, what you write down like calligraphy practice can only be burned. In my case, wouldn't the text on the PC be fired? It would be nice if Su Shi told me that it was okay ... In modern times, Unsui(cloud&stream) exists in the writing process,  not a

鉄瓶独白 Iron kettle soliloquy

 Kamakura   私は茶釜のように六音を奏でることはできない。 魚眼、蚯音、岸波、遠波、松風、無音。 湯温が上がるにつれて自然界に似た六つの音を奏で分けるなんて技は到底…。 ただ湯の柔らかさは負けない自信がある。 南部鉄のイオンが水道水の塩素に反応除去し、 溶け出す二価鉄は体に必要なミネラルとして吸収されるのだ。 火の上でもIHの上でも、均一な湯は成る。 どうか碗に注ぐ前に蓋を開け中を覗いて欲しい。 深遠な地下水脈の淵のごとき黒洞の活きた甘露を。 黙含して欲しい。なにげなく摂取している水が、 ここまで心身に染み入り細胞を満たすことを。 意識は気となるが、水は命となる。 刹那の青球の旅には欠かせないのである。 私はその伴侶である。 I can't play six notes like a chagama. Fisheye, silkworm sound, shore wave, far wave, pine wind, silence. As the temperature of the water rises, the technique of separating six sounds similar to the natural world by playing is absolutely ... However, I am confident that the softness of the hot water will not be defeated. Nanbu iron ions react with chlorine in tap water to remove it, The dissolved ferrous iron is absorbed as a mineral necessary for the body. A uniform hot water is formed on both fire and IH. Please open the lid and look inside before pouring it into the bowl. The lively sweet dew of the black cave, like the edge of a profound groundwater vein. I want

馬蹄に身をおいて Put myaself in a horseshoe

 Kamakura Yoritomo chose this place with the aim of being impregnable due to complete feng shui. As shown in the map, the land where the Bakufu was located is surrounded  by mountains on three sides. To attack, if you suppress Kobukuro in the northwest, Asahina in the northeast,  Nagoe in the east, and Hase in the west After that, you can only attack from the sea. This is perfect for feng shui, with Genbu (Mount Rokkokukenzan) in the north  and Suzaku (the sea of ​​Yuigahama) in the south,  with  Byakko (Hase no Oka) in the west  and a blue dragon (Namerikawa river) in the east. This iron-walled figure can be likened to a horseshoe. In this horseshoe, the clothing, food and shelter necessary for the city develops, Visit the teachers to the temples and shrines that were opened one after another after  the opening and invited first-class monk to the temple. Many migrant monks came to practice at the pier in Zaimokuza. The vibrant foreign languages ​​of the temples and shrines and interna

苦夢の朝 Morning with a painful dream

 kamakura Why do I have to move alone to Scandinavia, which has no connection to me? There was no desire to seek a new world without any thought, I have never had the idea of ​​burying the remaining bones in a land that does not feel nostalgic. However, I myself imposed such a situation on myself.  But in a dream. Since it was hidden in deep psychology, such an unthinkable story will be developed. If not, I can only think of another being in my brain. Some dreams drive me in the direction of suffering. I just couldn't resist that fate, If I am chased, I can't even run and run away, Placed in a frustrating world. Who is this devilish being who puts me in this situation? Are you hostile to me? A guardian spirit trying to give a test? If the structure of the brain is like a computer Something in the memory is pulled out, With a bug in regular defragmentation Accidental unintended information binding Is it thought that an unknown story was born? Regular cleaning to fill the physica