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3月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

春、街は白から、やがて紅へ City from white, soon to red in spring.

Magnolia red  bloom a little late. Kotohikihashi finished the repainting,  it was steeped in the original vivid vermilion.

ご機嫌散歩道④入り江の先は白い椰子館*Paradise alley④The tip of the cove that mansion is surrounded by palm trees

There are shops selling freshly caught fish in the back of the cove. Boilers likely written by Jules Verne, working always make a hissing sound" shoe shoe". This road always full of sand.

真打登場!鳩よ虎に向かって翔べ Established start the business of new genre

Toshimaya which is known in the pigeon Sable start a pastry shop.  Do not lose the popular Toraya cafe!