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1月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

鎌倉の朝霜は泊まらないと見られませんよ You can not see Kamakura's morning frost not staying

This place is where there was a branch of Kyoto 's restaurant "Hiranoya". This hotel New Kamakura was the old hotel built in Taisho 13th, the first hotel trace in Kamakura that it was open as "Yamagata hotel" before the war. And this hotel is Taisho 12th, the meeting of Fate of Akutagawa Ryunosuke who was a famous auther form at that time and Okamoto Kanoko who came to the summer vacation encountered fate.

鶴も亀もライオンも龍も Cranes, turtles, lions and dragons living together in Kamakura

Kamegayatsuzaka kamakura After passing Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and crossing Kobukurazaka After a while Kamegayatsuzaka extends to the left. Kamakura Gozan No. 1 ranked first from Kenchoji Temple  The third cut off slip through the Jufukuji Temple. It is a crane's turtle, a lion's dragon, a narrow land  There are many sentient beings coexisting in Kamakura. Betty is another member of her lead. Every time I take a walk I am acquainted with dogs, I'd like to thank you for "nice smile greeting" She is also busy getting to know her neighborhood in the morning and evening. All the sentient beings are thoughtful and troubled, and they will clear up. I want to live more like a turtle while cutting the time. 鶴岡八幡宮を過ぎ巨福呂坂(こぶくろざか)を越えると しばらくして左手に亀ケ谷坂(かめがやつざか)が延びる。 鎌倉五山第一位建長寺から同じく五山第三位寿福寺に抜ける切り通し。 鶴だの亀だの獅子だの龍だの、狭い土地鎌倉には多くの衆生が共存する。 リードの先にいる愛犬ベティもその一員。 散歩のたびに知り合い犬とじゃれたり、初めましての”門嗅挨拶”したり、 朝夕それなりに彼女もご近所付き合いに忙しい。 全ての衆生は思い思われ悩み、そして晴らす。 時という風を切りながら亀のようにゆっくりと暮らしたい。

鳥にだってなれる年に Let's make it a year that we can even become a bird

Yuigahama Kamakura Whatever your imagination is whimsical, if you are unrealistic At this time I feel like nothing, Many technologies that should fit something, Suddenly breathing back by collective intelligence from the world, Together such time, to evolve as many as one I want to witness. 思い描くことが如何に突飛でも、まんざら非現実的では ないような気がするこの頃、 何かにフィットするはずの多くのテクノロジーが、 世界からの集合知によって 俄然息を吹き返す、 そんな時間を重ねて、一つでも多くの進化に 立ち会っていきたい。

鎌倉花初め This year I will also introduce the flowers this morning in Kamakura

Ohgigayatsu Kamakura There are traffic regulations on three days,  and this sideways road "Yokokohji"is also a walking path. 三が日は交通規制があり、この横小路も散歩道に。

2017食初め 2017 Initial expression of eating

My house  Kamakura Happy New Year. We celebrated the New Year with Osechi who made it by hand on New Year 's Eve. Matsukata - yaki, Nishikitamago have flavor just as much effort. 新年明けましておめでとうございます。 大晦日に手分けして作ったおせちで新年を祝う。 松笠焼、錦卵は手間の分だけ有難味があります。