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12月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

粒子と物質の境をまぎらかす Blurring the boundary between particles and matter 

Kamakura A small amount of tea powder was scattered on the paper. There are two or three dark green dots in the white space in front of me. However, it has a strong presence in white that cannot be ignored. Gently close my eyes. Is the eyeball inputting the back of the eyelid? Or I don't know if the brain is imagining it, The white of the old paper floats like an afterimage in the pitch black It will disappear soon. After that, it's just a dark world, but I notice that it's made of powdery particles. It's probably not the effect of the tea powder, These particles are more and more attracting my consciousness and trying to bring me into the darkness. 無(Nothing) Where the predecessors have reached. A place that is neither consciousness nor space. The collision of particles produces heat, which acts on the surrounding particles to create a different world. The particles brought into the other world take on a new shape. 空(Space) If there is a shape, there will be a space be