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11月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

海面のゴールドカーペット Gold carpet laid on the surface of the sea

kamakura As if to redo the summer without lights The lights of Yuigahama stores and condominiums color the coastline at night without any gaps. Reflected on the calm water, they are like retro movie scenes It gives a momentary feeling as if it was trimmed only there. However, only today is different. The moon, which has grown from the depths of darkness to the maximum this fall, sits right above the city. Demonstrates a high-power reflector effect Spread a wide golden carpet toward what you see. Thanks to that gold carpet The depressed heart that continues to stay at home is sucked into move set Surrounded by horseshoe-shaped low mountains, the city has no exit. I entered, but at the end, I sat down as cozy as the moon overhead. It's a night without sound, but for some reason, hallucinations like a gramophone continue to be possessed. 灯火なき禍下の夏をやり直すかのように 由比ヶ浜の店舗やマンションの明かりが夜の海岸線を隙間なく彩る。 穏やかな水面に映るそれらはレトロな映画のシーンのように そこだけトリミングされたかのような刹那感を漂わせる。 ただし今日だけは違う。 闇の奥から近づき今秋最大にまで巨大化した月が街の直上に居座り