
鎌倉の朝霜は泊まらないと見られませんよ You can not see Kamakura's morning frost not staying

鶴も亀もライオンも龍も Cranes, turtles, lions and dragons living together in Kamakura

鳥にだってなれる年に Let's make it a year that we can even become a bird

鎌倉花初め This year I will also introduce the flowers this morning in Kamakura

2017食初め 2017 Initial expression of eating

200万回の祈りが始まる Two million people will pray for next year

葉山の丘からシュトーレンの山並みが From the hill of Hayama I could see a mountain like Stolen

鎌倉山中ライオンの舞 The lion dances in the mountains of Kamakura

旬の1秒後 After 1 second In the middle of the season

鎌倉金剛小景 Kamakura golden small view

逆さ扇谷の解凍 Awakening in morning dew

晩秋は散歩でデフラグを Defragment in late autumn with a walk

急げ! 大好きな薄紅色フィールドへ Hurry up! To the favorite thincrimson field