晩秋は散歩でデフラグを Defragment in late autumn with a walk

Namerigawa Komachi Kamakura


When writing and deleting are repeated on a computer, gaps are created in various parts of the hard disk, and the storage capacity decreases.In order to solve this, defragmentation, so-called ”defrag”, is performed regularly by the machine.

Well, how about the brain?I spend something busy from spring to autumn and when I get closer to the end of the year I will start looking back on the year, but although the road I've stepped on is surely the memory is ambiguous. The river called the timeline carries me a piece of fallen leaves to the deep sea dark while striking a stone or shore.
Life I want to emerge for the foreseeable future.Defragment the brain to prevent freezing. Turn off all inputs from the outside world. I thought of various things that I packed anyway and join up, remove the cliches, and organize.The best way is Zazen. The time before waking up and getting out of the futon is also nice. It is said that the brain will defragment while sleeping, but consciously organizing is also important. In the dark bedroom where the curtains are not opened, when meditating in the futon to a certain extent, the voice of the pet dog Betty leaves the futon saying that you can take him with Kuhn from the outside.
It is still quiet as if the town is still asleep this season, which is still dark at 6 o'clock. Betty hurries ahead by sniffing the scent of the road surface. I peep at the river side of Namerikawa and look up to the forest of Hachimangu shrine as usual. Deep green makes the heart quiet. The defragmented new brain will begin to display today.

何かと慌ただしい春から秋を過ごし、年末が近づく頃にはその年を振り返り始めるが、確かに踏みしめてきた道なのに 記憶は曖昧である。タイムラインという川は一片の落ち葉である私を石や岸にぶつけながら真っ暗な深海の方へ運ぶ。


6時ではまだ薄暗いこの季節、街も寝ているかのように静か。ベティ路面の匂いを嗅ぎながら先を急ぐ。私はいつものように川の川面を覗き、八幡宮の森を仰ぎ見る。 深い緑が心を静かにしてくれる。やがてフラグされた新しい脳が今日を表示し始める。
