
Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【青い球の線香花火】Blue Ball Sparkler

 North and South, the two great powers, the strait, secession ... Not only tension but also sacrifices.  The work on the ground moves to exclude others in order to protect what is to be protected.  As a result, there are people who must let go.There will always be winners and losers.  That's probably an undesired result, but the misunderstanding of "survival competition" has continued to exhaust everything  Creatures of living things can come true for life, but are useless for death.  That death.  Thousands of trees at the longest.  Excluding others for just a thousand years is a life form.  Life on earth.  A beautiful life on earth that praises water.  A sparkling sparkler scatters from the earth's one star.  It ’s a rocket or a missile.  Every time you intimidate or intimidate, a small flash of light shines from the blue sphere.  I can’t see it anymore.  If you had Google whole universe, you wouldn't see it unless you zoomed to the maximum.

あれ、今誰が打った? Who was hit now?

Hadano countryclub golf course  A sunny day was seen against the weather forecast.  Then there is a rainbow-colored trajectory in the first hole where no one is!  Draw a beautiful arc to the green 350 yards away.  Whether or not you want to enter the cup  Angel's shot is neat and ephemeral. 天気予報に反して晴れ間がのぞいた。 すると誰もいない1番ホールに虹色の弾道が! 綺麗な弧を描き350ヤード先のグリーンへ。 カップに入ろうが入るまいが 天使のショットは潔く儚い。

絶えるな青龍!Don't breathe out, Seiryu!

Tsuruoka-hachimangu Are the typhoon scratches here as well?  Is the big willow in Genji Pond a blue dragon in Kamakura Feng Shui?  It seems to be difficult to live with an open mouth.  Please keep alive! 台風の爪痕はここにもか。 源氏池の大柳は鎌倉風水の青龍か? 大口を開けて苦しそうだ。 どうか息絶えず生き延びてくれ!

関東圏最大台風接近中 Typhoon approaching

Hayama The largest typhoon is approaching.  Tonight we are in the house. 最大規模の台風とのこと。 今夜は家の中で一緒だよ。

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【万全を病床から思う】I think everything from the bed

 I can't ride people's waves.  This is because there is no regularity in ocean waves, but in human waves.  Especially the walking earphone wave.  They stop walking if the signal in the ear is red.  The whole area is moving.  It's a sudden brake in the car.  It also loses space in the hand cart.  The sense of space in which one person occupies as much space as a foal is not imprinted on the person.  Just close to the back and get your feet on the tail near the ground.  When the stick comes into contact, it ’s out.  There are no other weak legs that sway.  A person lives on something.  Family, organization, commitment, debt, labor, illness, people.  A person who has nothing to do with such a thing goes to the front.  Of course they can't see the scenery behind.  do not want to see.  Because it feels like it will take extra effort.  They think they are in a different world and breathing different air.  But once they fall, they turn around and rely on them. 

9月、鎌倉日傘小路 September, Kamakura parasol woods path


鎌倉ブッシュ パラダイス Kamakura is a treasure house of trees

Kamakura Cross the murmuring and put myself in the forest.  A cicada chorus and occasional breeze.  Spend a summer holiday at Urayama.  Sunday in Kamakura. In a shop I went by bicycle, inspired by Kelly Kerrle and Pocket Saw. せせらぎを横切り、森に身を置く。蝉時雨とたまに来るそよ風。 夏の休日を裏山で過ごす。鎌倉の日曜日。 先ほど自転車で覗いたショップのケリーケトルと ポケットソウが気になる。 UPI OUTDOOR鎌倉 https://upioutdoorkamakura.com/