Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【青い球の線香花火】Blue Ball Sparkler

 North and South, the two great powers, the strait, secession ... Not only tension but also sacrifices.
 The work on the ground moves to exclude others in order to protect what is to be protected.  As a result, there are people who must let go.There will always be winners and losers.  That's probably an undesired result, but the misunderstanding of "survival competition" has continued to exhaust everything
 Creatures of living things can come true for life, but are useless for death.  That death.  Thousands of trees at the longest.  Excluding others for just a thousand years is a life form.  Life on earth.  A beautiful life on earth that praises water.

 A sparkling sparkler scatters from the earth's one star.  It ’s a rocket or a missile.
 Every time you intimidate or intimidate, a small flash of light shines from the blue sphere.  I can’t see it anymore.
 If you had Google whole universe, you wouldn't see it unless you zoomed to the maximum.
 It burns as much as possible on a ball full of water and ends up.  Too much momentum, too wasteful.

 Looking at Mars next door, I don't want to live as much as this blue sphere.  That's not so bad this blue sphere is.I'm taking a table outside in the autumn night and writing this, but I just need a breeze, a tree scent, an insect chorus, and this time, and if it is raining tomorrow.  A state that accepts the present to the fullest.  Eventually, the work and the touch disappear and it becomes assimilated into blue.
 When the fireworks are over, the true blue color comes out.



