
巨福呂川中の大石 Zen temple is like a bigrock of the flow of the river

kenchohji. kamakura Event to celebrate the 1150 years of Rinzai one of the zen  and 250years Hakuin Zenji's semicentennial memorial service  has been done in Kenchoji. The theme is "live in the present". This time I had specially to visit the training field of the monks. It is to monks given this tatami one mat, a meal and Zen meditation and sleep on the tatami. The first piece photograph of the plate to inform the time to monks.  Trees gradually cut for hit strong.   Before Kenchoji is built, here is the execution ground. The worship Kenchoji from the fact that as the principal image is a Jizo Buddha in rare thing. There is only say that once was chosen to execution ground, From Kamakura city located in the valley across the Pass Kobukuro. Llisten to the proposal of Sakai Taigen Master in the event of both teacher far true name, And in the midst of this rapidly era things flows, Here (temple in general) only feel and is i

寒朝の灯火 Lamplight of cold morning

Osaragitei ,  komachi   Kamakura A few days ago in the morning that was so much while wiping the sweat walk, instead rattle became cold. ”Does this place is to be good to go out wearing any jacket?” open the curtain just a little bit to immediiately exit the bed, It began to get lost looking out. While still outside dim opened the front door Perhaps one hour Betty, who was waiting for me happened before the Waving its tail to the footsteps approaching. Saturday the city had said, "Let us  a little more sleep." あんなに汗をぬぐいながらだった朝の散歩も このところはどの上着を着て出掛けるのがいいのか 起きがけにカーテンを少しだけ開けて 外を見て迷うようになった 。 玄関ドアを開けるとまだ外は薄暗いが おそらく1時間前には起きて私を待っていたベティは 近づく足音に 尻尾を振っている。 土曜日の街は「もうちょっと寝てよう」と言っていた。

クラウド タイムライン*忘却の彼方へ Cloud timeline,flow to oblivion

HAYAMA KOKUSAIMURA   海からの風が細切れに雲を運んでくる。 雲一つ一つはたくさんの分子が結びつき、 多様な形態で頭上を通過し、 彼方に消えていく。  この頭上の出来事は数秒後には 次の雲の到来でかき消され、繰り返される。 さっき見たyahoo news記事も 今はもう画面から消えている。 頭上にはただ雲が流れている。 Wind comes carrying a cloud chopped from the sea. Clouds one by one the ties are a lot of molecules, Passing overhead in various forms, Fade away in the distance.  The overhead of events in a few seconds Drowned out with the advent of the next cloud, is repeated. Also yahoo news article saw a little while ago Now it has disappeared from the other screen. But the cloud is flowing overhead.

朝波は刈安色 Like the waves of yellow grass in the morning


金木犀アロマタウン2016 Osmanthus aroma Town 2016


マーキング親分に敬礼 It does not hold a candle to the tradition of the lighthouse in to represent the presence

At Tsurugizaki lighthouse

空が秋と言っている The sky is showing the arrival of autumn
