
色彩の街、やがて豊穣の雨音が祭囃子に City of color, eventually rich sound of rain replaces the festival music

湖畔のベティはん Betty shake on the lake

樹々に補水 夏のお手入れ Water reclamation to the trees and summer care

摂氏40度からの抜け道 A way out of 40 degrees Celsius

葉山は小鳥の合唱 The mountain of Hayama is bustling with the chorus of the birds

鎌倉は蝉時雨 Kamakura is wrapped in a large chorus of cicadas

宮も街も七夕色仕様 Hachimangu shrine and the city Tanabata color specification

夢は夜、蓮は朝開く Dreams come at night, Lotus flowers appear in the morning

初夏は水墨画の達人? A splendid ink painting produced by early summer sunlight

レオナルド×ミケランジェロ展 Leonardo da Vinci e Michelangelo exhibition

ソール・ライター展 Saul Leiter exhibition

頼朝視点 Yoritomo viewpoint

くるぶしくらいな日差し The sun that makes me want to soak up the ankle