
11月, 2016の投稿を表示しています

旬の1秒後 After 1 second In the middle of the season

Mountainside of Atami Zeami uses the word women's time (Medoki) and men's time (odoki) in his Noh theory [Fuhshikaden].  In the game, the opponent has momentum when it is woman time, the opposite is man. This comes in cycles, so you have to prepare for it to be available at any time. In addition, when the opportunity came, not going towards , but be sure to devise measures slowly with great timing. Zeami in the Noh world, reading the air of the place for the arts that are passed on to family lines for generations and showing it to the audience for the first time. Zeami says "Mezurasikii wa hana (the rare is the flower)" that what the audience has not seen yet is supported, that technique is carefully concealed, the opportunity to see and act is "Hisureba hana (secret productive flower)". I am amazed by the entertainment marketing which was already established in the Muromachi period. The Atami mandarin tried to finish the best season. 世阿弥は風姿花伝の中で女時(

鎌倉金剛小景 Kamakura golden small view

November 20th. Kamakura is full of golden good quality signs. 11月20日。鎌倉に陽の気が充満。

逆さ扇谷の解凍 Awakening in morning dew

Ohgigayatsu Kamakura In Ohgigayatsu reflected upside down in morning dew,  the plants shone as it was thawed in the morning sun. From the Tokyo direction past the North Kamakura and go through the tunnel On the right you can see the only Kamakura nunnery temple named Eishohji Temple. She tells flowers with tags at  the entrance of the temple every day  and it is blooming on the site on that day. The mountain opposite the winter is autumn leaves. In Kamakura ,famous for the competition of ginkgo and autumn leaves in Shishimai valley, In every part of the city there are scattered trees through years and jewelry, Ohgigayatsu in the vicinity of Eishohji is also blooming. Whether cold rain on Saturday worked as a night repair serum, Sunday morning sun makes the coloring of the trees glossy. Next to the nunnery is Juhukuji temple sleeping at Hojo Masako. This land  Ohgigayatsu is really glossy. 東京方面から北鎌倉を過ぎトンネルを抜けると 右側に鎌倉唯一の尼寺・英勝寺が見えてくる。 このお寺は毎日 寺の入り口にその日に敷地に咲いている 花を札を使って 教えてくれている。 冬に向かい山は紅葉

晩秋は散歩でデフラグを Defragment in late autumn with a walk

Namerigawa Komachi Kamakura When writing and deleting are repeated on a computer, gaps are created in various parts of the hard disk, and the storage capacity decreases. In order to solve this, defragmentation, so-called ”defrag”, is performed regularly by the machine. Well, how about the brain? I spend something busy from spring to autumn and when I get closer to the end of the year I will start looking back on the year, but although the road I've stepped on is surely the memory is ambiguous. The river called the timeline carries me a piece of fallen leaves to the deep sea dark while striking a stone or shore. Life I want to emerge for the foreseeable future. Defragment the brain to prevent freezing. Turn off all inputs from the outside world. I thought of various things that I packed anyway and join up, remove the cliches, and organize. The best way is Zazen. The time before waking up and getting out of the futon is also nice. It is said that the brain will defragm

急げ! 大好きな薄紅色フィールドへ Hurry up! To the favorite thincrimson field

 Hayama Mountain side The goodness of a mountain is to be able to see the sky in all directions unobstructed. It is the best if there is a field where you can run without thinking under the sky. Seitaka Ukogi is tough on the body now, but in the dead grass Red flowers and fruits shine and my heart gets warm. Let's go to the mountains more if everything turns brown. 山って何がいいかというと遮るものなく空を全方位見れること。 その空の下に思いっきり走れる野原があれば最高。 今はセイタカウコギが体に引っ付いて大変だけど、枯れ草の中に 紅い花や実が映えて心が温かくなる。 全てが茶色になったらもっと山奥に行ってみよう。

街に毛布が掛かったら And the blanket of fallen leaves is applied to thetown

Hikigayatsu Myohonji Kamakura Weekend of September and October was always rain. In that run field that can not go far on weekdays, Betty can not run ,abandon, I also just golf soaked. But moisturizing all possible measures for the plants. Preparations for winter of equipped beams and shine. The leaves were scattered through the branches completely possible gap It pours sunlight of autumn orange Like a warm blanket to warm the ground of Kamakura. Also Taiwan squirrel had been running around the branches and electrical wires, Also turtle that had come to lay eggs on the front door of the implant, Also large Rat Snake to me that mowing had been staring from the top of the trees, Also raccoons that were sleeping while caught in the tree of Namerikawa of the back, Good night warm with everyone blankets. See you next spring! 9月10月の週末はいつも雨だった。 平日には遠くて行けないあのランフィールドで ベティは思いきり走れないし、 私もずぶ濡れのゴルフばかり。 ただ草木にとっては保湿万全。 ハリとツヤ整っての冬支度。 散らした葉には、すっかり