
【short story collection vol,2】Kamakura Thousand Tales ~ Far beyond the tunnel

    7 Mistress Tunnel A bonfire is reflected in the dark lotus swamp. The marsh is about 30m wide and 50m long and is surrounded by mountains, so it looks like a jet-black mirror. The light of the leading man's hand is placed below the knee so that it does not illuminate the surrounding area, and it illuminates so that only the end of the path along lotus swamp can be seen, and the path progresses slowly. Followed by horses with people on them, relying on the lights. The person on the horse has a cloth hanging over his head, so it is not possible to tell who he is, but looking at the weave, it is clear that the cloth is of good quality. The trail follows a tiny stream that feeds into the swamp, and eventually comes to a small gate. Opening the creaklessly maintained wooden door, the leader extinguishes the lantern and guides the rider inside. From here, there are stepping stones with lights on each one. The flat stones lined up in the moss are moistened with water, an

【short story collection vol,1】Kamakura Thousand Tales ~ Chimi Myou Ryou rampant

  1. Horseshoe dream  Yoritomo chose this place aiming for impregnability by perfect feng shui.As the map shows, the land where the shogunate was established was surrounded by mountains on three sides. In order to invade, if you control "Kobukuro" in the northwest, "Asahina" in the northeast, "Nagoe" in the east, and "Hase" in the west, then you can only attack from the sea. This is perfect feng shui. Suzaku to the south (Yuigahama sea), white tiger to the west (Hase no Oka), It has all the Seiryu (namerigawa river) in the east.This impregnable figure can be compared to a horseshoe. In this horseshoe, the food, clothing and shelter necessary for the capital developed, To the temples and shrines that were opened one after another after the opening and invited first-class monks. A lot of monks visit the master and use the Wakaejima boat dock in Zaimokuza beach. I came here for training. The richly colored temples and shrines of the tim

13 culvert celebration meal【 Kamakura Thousand Tales】鎌倉千一夜

I always buy sekihan(red colored rice) on days when I feel happy, even in the smallest things. The day my husband got promoted, the day my son passed the exam, and the day I won a game. My mother also prepared sekihan for me on the day I became an adult, on school events, and every time I went to higher education. The last time was the day we announced our engagement. I was so happy and anxious that I didn't drink much of it, but the taste of that sekihan still lingers in my memory. Her father didn't do much with it either, and her mother ate it while saying, ``Oh, that was great, today's food was even more delicious.'' I think it's because I eat it when I'm feeling good, but most importantly, because sekihan is sticky rice, I chew it more than regular rice and it makes me salivate, so it's especially delicious. I want to eat it on normal days, but I hold back because I'm looking forward to special occasions. There are only two things I'm particu

12 song of farewell 【 Kamakura Thousand Tales】鎌倉千一夜

 Listen to the song of farewell Because now you realize it's rose-colored Listen to the song of farewell There are friends even in the depths of the abyss It's better to sing a farewell song Because the surroundings gradually become visible It's better to sing a farewell song Because the regrets of this world will disappear

11 Yoga mat dream trip【 Kamakura Thousand Tales】鎌倉千一夜

   Tsugumi grabbed her yoga mat and went to Zaimokuza beach.  Even in August, there are still no beachgoers early in the morning, and the only people there are surfers who are trying to swim outside of swimming hours and people walking their dogs.  As usual, when I stood on my mat, I chanted a mantra as I looked towards the distant island of Oshima, and then slowly moved from sun salutations to standing and sitting positions.  I woke up from a deep sleep and went into a state of wakefulness while heading to the beach, and now by doing asanas (yoga poses) She has entered a state of meditation.  Deep, dreamless sleep is said to be the supreme state in the Upanishads, but meditation is a state that surpasses it by keeping the mind and subconscious memory inactive while keeping the conscious mind active, so it confronts the atman (true self). It can be done.  After completing a set of asanas, Tsugumi's routine is to meditate on the mat.  Place her right foot on top of her left thigh, t

10 Shakado time slip 【 Kamakura Thousand Tales】鎌倉千一夜〜隧道のはるか先

   From a small Okinawan restaurant near Jomyoji Temple, you can hear the sound of the sanshin(stringed instrument) followed by the applause of several people. "I've been praised so much, maybe I should drink more." "Mr. Maa, shouldn't you just leave it at that?" Masao, a regular customer, has been looking forward to showing off his sanshin, which he has learned by himself, while drinking awamori(okinawan sake) after retirement. Although the repertoire is few, he was able to respond to each customer's request because it was generally limiteded. Shima Uta, Nada Sosou, Tinsagu no Hana, Asadoya Yunta... After the song is finished, they will feel as if they are in Okinawa just by plucking the strings after having a glass in his mouth. The store manager also welcomed Masao's visit. "Maa-san, you're drinking more than usual today. It's not good to drink too much." "Hey, I've been drinking it for decades, so I know my limits. If I

9 stray turtle【 Kamakura Thousand Tales】鎌倉千一夜〜隧道のはるか先

 The Iwaya Cave at the southern tip of Enoshima is connected underground to the Narusawa Ice Cave at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and it is said that the airway carries the power of Mt. A long pipeline mystery with a distance of about 90km. There is certainly romance. During the Edo period, pilgrimages to Enoshima were popular. The pleasures of Sagami Bay and the power spot experience are always attractive. Well, there is also a small pipeline mystery in Kamakura. It is said that the cave runs from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Genji Pond to Namerikawa river. However, I don't mind going there, it's a big turtle. During the spawning season, he suddenly appear on the road around Namerikawa Toshoji Bridge, about 1km away, and head for the spawning grounds. *** I almost ran over you, but you came again this year. If you crawl in the middle of the road like that, you can't stand a driver who looks away. You're here to lay eggs, so be careful. Are you mostly the same turtle that came last y