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Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【思考への思考 2】Thinking about thinking

In the Alps train going at an altitude of 2000 m at 7 km / h, we get used to the scenery in ten minutes. It is up to the consciousness to survive or taste that time that may not be ever again. Winking at the device in a well-organized WIFI environment will passively become a passive state, each and every one of them is moving surely though it is like a picture or a photograph, Which way? Digital demenz, that is, thinking stops left to the digital When the brain begins to infest, "skin sensation" is denied and "generally like ..." "negative elements of that place ..." Will come to spread around. Unknown things emerge by excluding that there is a sense of deja vu with data. Will it call the next generation "invention"? Michio Hoshino said: "It is important now that you can imagine the sight of a group of mousses moving behind the earth when you do so." I can not criticize living the scope of vision and consciousness as my world, bu

熱砂浜より遡上せよ Go up from the thermal sandy beach

Namerigawa Kamakura A cool babbling occurs when you walk up Nambugawa  for 2 km from Yuigahama Beach 由比ヶ浜から2kmほど滑川を遡上すると涼やかなせせらぎが。

黒富士は天空の頂きを白化粧 Kurofuji makes the top of the sky a whitemake-up.


虹に追いついて Overtaking the rainbow

ohfuna The stairs to the sky is right there, but the dream is a phantom… 天空への階段はすぐそこ、だが夢は幻…

Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【思考への思考 1】Thinking about thinking

I tried Zazen experience at Kenchoji. Fold the cushion in two, half semitransparent half eye, even if it is paying attention to tremor, it is the surrounding sound. As I get used to it, I will try to think about what to think. It is true that it will be none actually. Train monks think of living for many years and years from every direction. When it arrives at the same thing, approaching from a new direction, the theory goes sharply and steadily. Monk Dogen went to China asking for Shoubogenzo, he went to China and went back to Japan with no handwriting and handed it out without hesitation. There was no theory in the theory there, and we preached all kind of Buddha-nature. Every morning walking with a pet dog is like a philosophical way, with a swirl of last night 's dream residues and today' s heavy tasks walking along the usual way in my head. It is close to the zazen. There is no opponent to ask a smartphone search and we will step forward as much as possible. A dog as

湖畔のトリエンナーレ Triennale on the lake

Lakeland country club http://www.lakelandcc.co.jp

白虎はやがて朱雀に出逢い… White tiger eventually encounters a redpeacock…

Kamakura The white tiger, the god of the West, eventually encountered the red peacock  which is the southern god and built up the sunset horizontal line in the sky. 西の神である白虎はやがて南の神である赤い孔雀に出逢い、 天空に夕焼けの水平線を作り上げていった