Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【思考への思考 1】Thinking about thinking

I tried Zazen experience at Kenchoji. Fold the cushion in two, half semitransparent half eye, even if it is paying attention to tremor, it is the surrounding sound. As I get used to it, I will try to think about what to think. It is true that it will be none actually. Train monks think of living for many years and years from every direction. When it arrives at the same thing, approaching from a new direction, the theory goes sharply and steadily. Monk Dogen went to China asking for Shoubogenzo, he went to China and went back to Japan with no handwriting and handed it out without hesitation. There was no theory in the theory there, and we preached all kind of Buddha-nature.
Every morning walking with a pet dog is like a philosophical way, with a swirl of last night 's dream residues and today' s heavy tasks walking along the usual way in my head. It is close to the zazen. There is no opponent to ask a smartphone search and we will step forward as much as possible. A dog aside. I do not know exactly which other living things are thinking, but it is an irreplaceable cushion.
Thinking should be done from various directions. When a good thought floats, you tend to push in that direction, but you should try as much as you thought like a monk. Offense defense From the standpoint of others from the standpoint of both. At first glance four view about waters, rain of grace, flooding, thirst, moisture ..., trying water, the way you feel depends on your position. Think about it in as many positions as possible. This requires training. Easy to think, I want to feel like the answer came up, I want to fold that task quickly, or somewhere I'd tend to go in that direction, "Wait a moment, then wait a moment. Then stop pushing in" Then stop around the intersection as an issue Look around. The monks fought refuge with the teacher and the monk as a game of thought. It is serious for not being beaten. To build a theory requires physical strength and preparation.

