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樹々に補水 夏のお手入れ Water reclamation to the trees and summer care

Kamakura Soon the water supply from the earth is about to stop, the sky scatters the water. There are many ways of seeing even in the same water, four waters of aqueduct. Rain of grace, flood damage, I wish for moderation. そろそろ大地からの水供給が途絶えそうな頃、空が水を撒く。一水四見、同じ水でもいろいろな見方がある。恵みの雨、洪水被害、ほどほどを願う。

摂氏40度からの抜け道 A way out of 40 degrees Celsius

Namerigawa Kamakura

葉山は小鳥の合唱 The mountain of Hayama is bustling with the chorus of the birds

Hayama shonankokusaimura

鎌倉は蝉時雨 Kamakura is wrapped in a large chorus of cicadas


宮も街も七夕色仕様 Hachimangu shrine and the city Tanabata color specification


夢は夜、蓮は朝開く Dreams come at night, Lotus flowers appear in the morning

Tsuruokahachimangu-shrine Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachimangu shrine is decorating Tanabata 鶴岡八幡宮は七夕の飾り付けが進行中 Lotus flowers bloom early in the morning  and close Tsubomi around 9 o'clock, On the fourth day, scatter petals in the morning, Finish this cycle. 蓮の花は早朝に咲いて9時頃にはツボミを閉じ、 4日目には昼前に花びらを散らし、 このサイクルを終える。

初夏は水墨画の達人? A splendid ink painting produced by early summer sunlight

Kamakura I was glad I was flattening from morning till Friday! The early summer still not powerful sunshine drawn I was able to see delicate ink paintings. Inscription "Mizutazuki " ( "Waterless Month Interval") 朝から金曜の疲れでうつむいていて良かった! 初夏のまだ力強くない日差しが描いた 繊細な水墨画を見ることができました。 銘「水無月狭間」