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知足の葡萄畑 It is just to the vineyards of this much of the breadth

CAVE D'OCCI  winery    http://www.docci.com Yahiko shrine Monk  Ryokan is in the late Edo period. He left a lot of calligraphy and haiku. There remains the  hermitage  name of Gogouan,Ryokan has lived. This haiku means: The fallen leaves necessary for the fuel of today,  it is sufficient amount of only me have carried the wind.

鎌倉パレット2016SS Kamakura flowers are in full bloom as palette

銘:千鳥が淵 Title : Chidorigafuchi

 The cherry blossoms in  Tokyo Imperial Palace  bloom now

花侘 Figure also cherry fall

1年目の桜 Flowering of the first year of the cherry tree

段葛ルークス登場 rooks?

Construction end, DanKazura has emerged, such as chess rook piece

谷間の靄桜 After the sunny haze, cherry blossoms in the valley were in bloom

       Plum is prime. Bloom compete red and white             Early cherry tree among the show window is bloomed