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南湘南への進路 Course to the south Shonan

空紅く潮高く Tide and Dyed ,higher and deeply

青空化粧の青龍 Morning Namerigawa was steeped in blue sky

Blue Dragon is Namerigawa in Kamakura feng shui.  After a long time of the cloudless sky is reflected in the river.

裏庭の亜熱帯 Backyard, such as the subtropical

路地の壁時計 Wall clock, which blooms in the alley

梅雨エンナーレ in 鎌倉 Art Festival? of the timing of rainy season

Staff notation on the street Hydrangea likes sepia  Footprint of the rainy season Rainy skies that Tanabata Tears can not hide in the Borsalino In the seaside town , morning dew is mingled salt To the tea color town

古株が停車場に降り立った Old tree has been ported to the old stop

At the time of Enoden that whole line opened in 100 years ago,  there was a lot of the station. Once here there was Omachi Station. Recently here the open style restaurant  was opened. Thick olive trees on the grounds, 200 years old. It was ported from Spain. The place where it across the line , there is a Harris kindergarten with tall chapel.  The kindergarten was also opened in the same in 1910 as Enoden.