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秋のトリコロール Tricolor in Fall

寒山の彩 Color scheme of the cold season

寒秋朝、夢は枯野を駆け巡る Cold autumn morning, I want to also walk to where stepping on dead leaves

ビタミンCity Vegetables have just lined up in Kamakura vegetable market

白龍天高く舞う It seems white dragon dancing sky high

比企ケ谷春秋同居? Even though the season of defoliation, is why cherry petals?

Stone embedded in the sidewalk, but like a cherry petals Approach following the Myohon-ji is like a deep in the mountains  and to such about 3 minutes from the station

鎌倉小町二階百景 The second floor wonderland

Bamboo is through the eaves? Lost and Found of Gargantua? Preparations for winter the first one at the mall?