
オーガニックトラフィックのピーク? Fuji of silhouette, such as natural search number of vertices

Kamakura blue. 風が見えた日に On the day that I was able to see the wind

願いなき世に the society come true without wishing

華を演出するのは、梅雨ミスト Mist of the rainy season to promote flowering

まもなく鎌倉コートダジュールへ Soon-to-be liveliness, such as the Cote d'Azur

知足の葡萄畑 It is just to the vineyards of this much of the breadth

鎌倉パレット2016SS Kamakura flowers are in full bloom as palette

銘:千鳥が淵 Title : Chidorigafuchi

花侘 Figure also cherry fall

1年目の桜 Flowering of the first year of the cherry tree

段葛ルークス登場 rooks?

谷間の靄桜 After the sunny haze, cherry blossoms in the valley were in bloom

籠の中の鳥居 Torii in the basket