
路地の壁時計 Wall clock, which blooms in the alley

梅雨エンナーレ in 鎌倉 Art Festival? of the timing of rainy season

古株が停車場に降り立った Old tree has been ported to the old stop

鎌倉ジューシー峠 Another entrance to the Kamakura is the moist mountain pass

市中蒔絵『雨後咲』Cherry bloom in road after rain

谷戸蒔絵「紅龍」Gold lacquer art by valley named Pink dragon

春、街は白から、やがて紅へ City from white, soon to red in spring.

ご機嫌散歩道④入り江の先は白い椰子館*Paradise alley④The tip of the cove that mansion is surrounded by palm trees

真打登場!鳩よ虎に向かって翔べ Established start the business of new genre

谷戸に春 Spring has visited the valley of village

春花サミット2015 in 鎌倉 Spring flowers bloomed all at once in Kamakura

本日のおすすめは侘助と白梅 Today's recommended Wabisuke and white plum