
ラベル(Beautiful Japan 美しき日本)が付いた投稿を表示しています

おくの舗装みち 銀山温泉編②いぶし銀な夏の湯けむり*Ginzan Onsen showappearance of the old days still

There is a silver mine ruins a lot of people worked once  to its destination and waterfall, on the upstream  of the river that flows through the spa town.

おくの舗装みち 山寺編①閑さや、それにしてもRock and Rock *From YamagataPrefecture Risshakuji

When haiku poet Matsuo Basho was pilgrimage  to Risshakuji of (Yamagata current) Dewa country  (July 13, 1689) ,he made haiku "Shizukasaya  iwani shimiiru semino koe"(Voice of the cicada is to be,  around is quiet as if it had been absorbed into the rock .)

越後平野の聚楽第 Mansion of wealthy farmer

Northern Culture Museum is located in Echigo-heiya (soumi ,Niigata city) This museum is what was mansion Ito Bunkichi of wealthy farmer once. http://www.hoppou-bunka.com HISTORY 1756 (1756) Edo medium term. Farmer of one people were branch in the land of Tenryo Echigo Somi, given the field twenty-nine step two Opposite nine ridge one town (about 13,000 square meters). Farmer of one person can over time come to the squire of Niigata Prefecture one that overlaid the die with a land of thousand Chobu (1,000ha) or more from the wealthy merchant soon. (Source Northern Culture Museum) Tearoom of the triangle Sanraku-tei unusual.  In conjunction with the building,  one of the diamond tatami has been laid .

越後平野の段葛 Dankazura in Echigo-heiya rice field

The "Hazaki" lined planted in order to hang out rice that was harvested

祇園の涼森 Ujikintoki

Gion Koishi 286ー2 Kitagawa Gioncho Higasiyamaku Kyoto

京の山荘から From Mountain retreat of Kyoto

Ginkaku was a color like this in the past.  Excited shudder to jet black to reflect the green.

