
裏庭のトロピカルフルーツ Tropical fruit that I got in the backyard

ラジオ体操第一鳩 Dancing dove

超越時空旅へ Please "ippan-isshuku"!

祇園の涼森 Ujikintoki

京の山荘から From Mountain retreat of Kyoto

某日、心臓部降誕 The birth of the heart

抹茶色の都・東京 Imperial Palace moat in Tokyo also be green tea color

身も凍る雷神と音魂 Bottle of ice and hot live

お留守番の夏 Caretaking in summer

卓上の夜露 Night dew desktop

開花*独勝自尊 Germany won. Lotus was also flowering

蓮の寝顔 Lotus petals open in the morning. The sleep now?

庭球場に風立ちぬ Soft wind blew in tennis field

彩雲と祭囃子 Iridescent clouds and Festival music

THE涼感 Ingenuity of coolness, most of the sample

台風一過、緑冴冴 clear weather after a typhoon has passed

段葛間違い探し Mountain on the left to where?