Travel with Betty ベティとの旅 【森の中の白子そしてアリたち Milt andants in the forest】

In general, Google Maps uses defaults, but if you are going to enlarge it in aerial photography mode or Google Earth, you will see as it is without being simplified. If you look at Boso Peninsula and expand the green area, you will see a pattern like milt of cod rising up. It's all a golf course. Milt comes out on the screen no matter where you move it. Even though I run on the ground by car, I see signs on the golf course, but the view is forest. However, you can not imagine that you have a vast green carpet spread across the trees when you take a bird's-eye view. If you further enlarge the map you will also see a club house like a palace. Each milt, no, golf course has such a palace. Four people are playing around this straw in this Miko, so it is no longer the case of Ant's nest. Google does not do any further zooming up, but as you go closer to the ground and close to the image, the four mens have a ball blown off soon after enjoying the scenery. The scene of a worker is kind of funny.
Well, I will look at it from that player side. The green carpet in front of you looks like a corridor that leads you to a stressless mind-boggling place unleashed from your daily life (but, as soon as the ball starts to hit in an unintended direction and the stress begins to attack ... ...) . There are various tensions such as usual friends, work related personnel, first-time members in monthly games, but the sense of uprising of the first hole has a kind of habit of entering into the world and surrounding a good image. A small bullet that disappears into the sky is his alter ego. I want the alter ego which flew before me to stay in a better position. I want you to stay on the green carpet where the flag of the goal can be seen well, without being hidden in something in the root of the tree in the forest and long grass. That way I asked my alter ego with a wish ..., soaked up to the neck in the sand bath. The beginning of the stress day.

大体グーグルマップはデフォルトを使うが、航空写真モードやグーグルアースで拡大気味にすると簡約化されることなくありのままが見えてくる。試しに房総半島をご覧いただき緑多いエリアを拡大するとタラの白子みたいな模様が浮き上がってくる。それはすべてゴルフ場。どこへ動かしても白子がスクリーンに登場する。地上を車で走っていてもゴルフ場の看板は目にするが、景色は森。だが、俯瞰するとその木々の向こうに広大な緑絨毯が敷き詰められているとは想像も及ばない。さらにマップを拡大すると宮殿のようなクラブハウスも見えてくる。各白子、いやゴルフ場がそういった宮殿を備える。この白子のひと房に4人がプレイし動き回ってることになるので 、もはやアリの巣の様相。グーグルではそれ以上のズームアップは効かないが、イメージをめぐらせ地上まで近づくと、4人のおじさんたちは景色を楽しむ間もなくせっせと球を運んでいる働きアリの光景は一種微笑ましい。
