
Director Martin Scorsese makes his 3D debut with the new film, “Hugo,” which follows a young boy named Hugo Cabret who’s living in a train station, maintaining the clocks behind the scenes.

He has, in his possession, a broken automaton robot given to him by his father, and the movie shows his adventure as he tries to fix it. According to, it’s evident that Scorsese took his time with the 3D medium, making a meaningful film that’s not all flash and no substance.

The villain archetype in the film is the nosy train station inspector, played by Sacha Baron Cohen, who relies on his Doberman to point him in the direction of orphans so he can turn them over to the authorities. (Not to say the Doberman is necessarily “evil.” Remember, there are no bad dogs, just villains who employ their dogs to do evil deeds.)

Don’t let the focus of the young boy fool you, though. Unlike “Tintin,” this is more of an adult 3D movie. “Hugo” is also now playing in theaters.
